meet the crew
I’m Nutz about nutrition and health
He has many jobs: An Athlete, Circus Performer, Inventor, Comedian, Life Coach, Magician and TV Personality but, he gave it all up to be a Movie Critic.
Wally Walnut
Let’s get in shape with an omega 3
He’s a fitness guru who will keep you in shape and your brain awake.
Halley Cranberry
I’m sweet-and-tart with vitamin C from the heart
She’s smart, adventurous, and loyal to her friends with a kind spirit that wins.
Almond Cruz
Let’s stay energized with protein to build muscle and size
He’s a master of disguise and dreams of being an action movie hero.
Chica Chimiski
I may be tiny but, my nutrition helps you stay strong & mighty
Her desire to be a TV Soap Star inspires us to go far.
Pumpkin Spice
Let’s succeed with iron indeed
A beautiful southern belle Full of kindness, always seeing the glass half full.
Morgan Raisin
I’m here to get a message to your grapevine with a healthy snack made with good sunshine
His lessons have wisdom and reasons for all seasons.